Raverdial extension instrument show. Android only.
Raverdial is a mobile application for Android developed for the premiere of the show of the same name at SÓNAR 2015.
This sound instrument is based on a game of positive and negative accumulation of samples extracted from the show that Niño de Elche + Los voluble present in Barcelona. User interactivity is necessary for the composition of their own piece, handling the terminal in different ways: 360º rotation, agitation (acceleration) and proximity.
You can hear the reproduced sound through the speakers of the same device, but the use of headphones, or their amplification, through a cable or Bluetooth connection to a sound system, will increase the level of satisfaction of the performer.
This app has been developed in a totally selfless way and with a child-level development system.
Only for ANDROID
Idea and development --> Alex Peña _ @demasiadopesto_ www.noquedandemonios.com
Design ------> Mon Aguilar _ www.themon.net
Image -----> Ricardo Barquín_ ricardobarquinmolero.tumblr.com
Sound material__> Los voluble, Niño de Elche, Pablo Peña and Raúl Cantizano
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